
Build Good Habits

A habit is a behaviour that’s repeated until it becomes automatic or done without any sense of awareness or motivation. If you’ve ever struggled with sticking to your training schedule, cooking your own meals regularly, or reading at night instead of watching Netflix, it’s probably because you haven’t been able to develop the behaviour through habit […]

Best Glute Exercises

TOP 7 GLUTE BUILDING EXERCISES https://fb.watch/btH4u31JE4/ Since Kim Kardashian made big butts popular every female strives to achieve a healthy set of glutes – This is by far one of the most the most common requests we receive from our female clients.  But apart from the aesthetics strong glutes are important for every day function […]

Improve gut health

A healthy gut contributes to improved sleep quality, a strong immune function, and an effective digestive system. However, inflammation can wreak havoc on gut health and cause many negative health issues. Learn more about how you can reduce inflammation and improve your gut health with some diet and lifestyle changes. Over recent years, the relationship […]

How many times did you start a new diet?

You’re at your wits end! You’re sick and tired of struggling with your body and you have decided THIS time you will make a proper commitment.  Because you decide to go all in. “I just need to kickstart things off” you think to yourself. “I just need to get back on track as quickly as possible. So what […]

Vitamin D, Do we need it?

VITAMIN D – with a lot of us spending time working from home, in quarantine and spending less time outside, vitamin D deficiency is becoming very apparent in client’s blood results. In today’s article we discuss Vitamin D’s roles as an important vitamin and it’s key functions throughout our body. Unlike other vitamins, vitamin D […]


New year is fast approaching and as we all know come NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS.  Does that sound familiar? Every year you make a list of resolutions that deep down you know you won’t keep – but writing that list makes you feel better, like you are doing something! Well, a resolution is nothing without action!!  […]

Stress and Fish Oil

Most people who want to reduce stress are worried about cortisol. But remember, cortisol is essential to human life. By raising levels of blood glucose, cortisol provides the resources to combat stress from illness, trauma, fright, infection, and bleeding, among other things. In general, cortisol deserves a high-five and a pat on the back, but […]

Build Muscle for Women

HOW TO BUILD MUSCLE FOR WOMEN • LEARN THE BENEFITS OF MUSCLE GROWTH Strength training hasn’t always been the most popular topic among women. Weight training was long considered something for men. Lucky for women, times change and muscle strength is no longer off-limits. In fact, understanding how to build muscle for women can help […]

Can I drink Alcohol and Train?

Best alcoholic drinks for weight loss Drinking alcohol is a favourite pastime for most, both socially and culturally. Some studies even suggest that alcohol can have health benefits. For example, red wine may lower your risk for heart disease. However, alcohol also plays a large role in weight management. Anyone looking to drop body fat […]

Do you meal prep?

True to the motto “abs are made in the kitchen,” homemade meals are more balanced and healthier. You know exactly what you are putting into your body. When eating out even if you go for the healthiest of choices, you don’t know how the item has been cooked, how much oil or butter has been […]