

After navigating through the Easter weekend filled with gatherings, family time, indulgence in party food, and alcohol, many of us are left feeling bloated and uncomfortable. A bloated stomach can make you feel pretty uncomfortable during the day. Bloating can be caused by several things, including poor eating habits, such as eating too fast; carbonated […]

Invest Today

🔵 Eating healthy is too expensive. 🔵 Joining a gym is too expensive. 🔵 I don’t have the time to exercise. 🔵 I don’t have time to prepare meals Those are some pretty common statements that people make about starting a serious health and fitness program and it’s likely that you’ve said at least one […]


Do you turn to food when you are stressed? Do you use food as a source of comfort? You are not alone.  Many of us turn to comfort food when we feel stress or overwhelmed.  Work stress, juggling a career and raising kids, money worries and juggling additional responsibilities causes untold stress to many. Although […]

Are you super good?

Do you find that you are being super good during the week but your weekend spirals out of control? Does your day/week look something like this –  • At 6:00am you have your omelette or oats, healthy glass of orange juice topped up with an espresso while you dash about getting the kids ready for […]

Fitness During Menopause

Fitness during menopause can be a challenging time for many women, but it is important to keep in mind that regular physical activity can have numerous benefits for both physical and mental health. One of the main concerns for women going through menopause is weight gain. As the body’s hormone levels change, it can become […]

Food Stressed

Do you turn to food when you are stressed? Do you use food as a source of comfort? You are not alone.  Many of us turn to comfort food when we feel stress or overwhelmed.  Work stress, juggling a career and raising kids, money worries and juggling additional responsibilities causes untold stress to many. Although […]


A healthy microbiome is a balanced microbiome. Too many bad or opportunistic microbes and you’re at an increased risk of inflammation and disease. Healthy gut bacteria, on the other hand, protect you from disease, keep inflammation low, and even promote your mental health.  Bad gut bacteria can interfere with many things especially fat loss.  The 1st step we look at with our clients […]

Fat Loss Expectations v Reality

Do you weigh yourself daily? Sometimes numerous times a day? How often do you weigh yourself and get excited if you see a decrease in your weight?  How often do you get disheartened and depressed when you see the number go up? We know that most of our female clients are scales obsessed and have […]

Let’s talk nutrition

Steel Extreme Fitness – Private Gym & Personal Training Malta At Steel Extreme Fitness in Mosta, we offer private gym membership, taking care of all your personal training & nutritional requirements. Let’s talk about the elephant in the room – NUTRITION  Most people think that if they train 6 times a week they can eat […]

Man Boobs?

Breasts. Yes, men do have breasts — even milk ducts. For the vast majority of men, the breast tissue does not develop like it does in women due to high testosterone levels during puberty. There are several medical conditions that can cause breast enlargement in men. One is gynecomastia, which can cause swollen breast tissue and […]