
4 Fat Loss Tips

by Lorenza

I’m sure you’ve heard people say that Fat Loss comes down to Calories In vs Calories Out, which is an undeniable fact.
However, it’s important to dig a little deeper and find out what influences this process so you are in a stronger position to achieve your fat-loss goals.

When it come to the ‘Calories In’ portion of the fat-loss equation here are the 4 biggest influencing factors that you MUST address to succeed:

Whether you’ve had a rough day at work/school or you have personal stuff going on the pressure and influence of stress can affect your decision making when it comes to food.

Food is a go-to stress reliever for millions of people BUT the relief is only temporary.

It’s not long before feelings of guilt and disappointment are taking over and that can lead to even more poor decisions.
This is why stress management is VITAL for fat loss.

If you identify your main sources of stress you will be able to work on practical solutions to reduce the impact of them on your fat loss goals and overall lifestyle.


If you’re not getting a good night’s sleep then you’re going to experience an increase in cravings, hunger, and food reward (your perception of how good something tastes).

The good news is that you can fix this relatively easily.

Try to unwind before bed, stay off your phone, pick up a book and you will be in a MUCH better state to get some high quality sleep.


Cookies on display in your kitchen?

Work in an office where Lesley from accounts is ALWAYS passing around a box of doughnuts? this is a very common thing in offices. one thing we recommend is having a protein bar handy, so when those cookies or doughnuts are going round you can snack on that instead.

If you make adjustments to your environment it lowers the amount of Will Power you need to call upon to resist temptation.

You only have a limited reserve of Will Power and if you can save a bunch by making slight adjustments to your environment then you’ll be much stronger when you really need to be.


As you progress on your fat loss journey you will experience an increase in appetite.

This is due to a number of factors including hormonal changes in leptin (controls your appetite) and ghrelin (increases your appetite).

You can combat this by opting for foods that are high in fiber and water as well as consuming more protein.

What factors do you think you need to work on right away? You can let us know by commenting below 😀🖐

Here’s another way of thinking about this list of Fat Loss …

When you go train all you really need to get results are equipment and progressive overload, right?

You could set up a rack with barbells, dumbbells, and benches in a quiet room and get to work.

But we both know that the environment you train in will have a significant effect on your training performance.

Training alongside others who are pushing themselves to do more every session…

Training in a gym with an electric and friendly atmosphere makes all the difference…come check us out!

You may even have a favourite workout shirt .. Check out our merchandise in reception!!! 👌

We hope this has helped you narrow your focus on some things that could be holding you back from making the progress you are capable of.

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